What's the MATTER? - Down River Resources | Your Elementary Math Guide

What's the MATTER?

Howdy, friends!

September flew by! I would like to recap a portion of a unit I just finished with my kindergarteners on matter. I use the 5E Inquiry Model for Science Education in my classroom. It is a beautiful way to teach making sure that students can access the content. Being a Project GLAD certified teacher, I try to use a big book to activate prior knowledge and ENGAGE my students in the content. This big book is one that I created to correspond with the Texas science standards (TEKS). I wrote it specifically to meet the kindergarten TEKS K.5AB, but also meets the following:
  • K.5, 1.5 The student knows that objects have properties and patterns.
  • K.5A Observe and describe properties of objects...
  • K.5B Observe and record properties of objects…
  • 1.5A Classify objects by observable properties of the materials from which they are made…
  • 1.5B Predict and identify changes in materials caused by heating and cooling…
  • 2.5 The student knows that matter has physical properties and those properties determine how it is described, classified, changed, and used.
  • 2.5A Classify matter by physical properties…
  • 2.5B Compare changes in materials caused by heating and cooling.
    Matter: Science Big Book
After we read the big book, we did an investigation! Investigations are my favorite! I think my students can tell to...they get just as excited as I do. They behave and practice science safety at all times, as they do not want the consequence of sitting out during science time. On this day, we investigated how materials change due to heating.
Hershey Kiss in Ziploc to Observe Change due to Heating
We began the EXPLORE portion of our 5E lesson. Our investigative question was: How does chocolate change when placed outside (in the sun)? Scientists made predictions as to what they thought would happen to the chocolate. They had enough schema to know that it would melt, but we explored this concept anyway. We used Ziploc bags to hold our chocolate Hershey kiss. Fortunately, we were able to sit on a small concrete wall around the perimeter of our jungle gym that was covered by a shade.
Students Observe Chocolates Change
Scientists were able to sit in the shade while observing their chocolate which we placed in the sun. It was a breezy day in Down River, Texas, so scientists kept their shoes on the bag to keep it from blowing away.
After several minutes, melting is apparent.
 After several minutes, you could see the chocolate changing. One scientist described it this way: "At first, it was a triangle, then it started melting into a circle." Pretty accurate description in my book! He was making reference to how the shape changed. We stayed until the change in the matter was evident, before heading back into our classroom. 
Investigation Report

Prior to investigating outside, we began the EXPLORE with our investigative question. We then made a list of materials and the scientists helped me write up the procedure we should use. I added some small visuals above the words so they could remember the words. After our outdoor investigation, we add our data. We measured the time it took for the chocolate to change with a clock. This tool is often used by scientists to measure time. (I always try to emphasize the process skills scientists use for conducting investigations.) It took 15 minutes for the chocolate to melt outside.

Happy Melting!

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